Never had such a rainy CNY, drizzling days and nights. But who cares? Nothing can stop us from visiting friends and relatives right? Anyway, how's your CNY? As for me, I got two ulcers, Lolx... So don't just eat non-stop, adequate water consumption is very important too. Anyway, wish all of you have a happy 牛 year! Stay happy, stay healthy ya!
So, as all of you know, I have my surgery about three weeks ago. By the word "surgery" itself is formidably, even though I've been assuring others as well as myself that it is nothing more than a sleep, still, I trembled when I was in the waiting room! Ahem, I wasn't that afraid, just that the room was too cold, even though they put me under the ultraviolet lamp.
After waiting for an hour but what seems like forever, finally I was brought into the operation room. The operating room light came into sight once I was brought inside and kinda surprised that the surgeons were listening to Hitz.FM instead of a serene environment.Whirling around, the room is full of equipments and all the staff was gowned.
I was switched to another bed and one of the assistant poked my right wrist with a needle-like instrument (guess to check my blood level) while the others checked my identity once more and get everything well-prepared. Then, Doctor Hilmi, the anesthesiologist came over and gave me three injections. Within seconds, a freezing feeling past through my hand and everything started to fade away and...
The next thing I knew was the surgery was done and I just reached my ward. So happened my mum just arrived and from her conversation with the nurses who brought me back I found out it was 4 something... As far as I'm concern, my consciousness faded away and regained for quite a number of times in the next few hours, barely remember that Doctor Gan came in; nurses came in to take my temperature, blood pressure... My mum told me that I was as pale as death and I was too weak to speak, let alone getting out of bed.
By the time I was fully aware of my existence, it was already 8pm. I thought I've nothing else to worry about since the surgery was over. But apparently, I was wrong. The aftermath was the real disaster. As the anaesthesia lost effect, I started to feel an immense pain on my left arm, ice bag and pain killer were needed to alleviate the pain. Further more, I felt as if I have been trapped in desert for days, extremely exhausted, thirsty and hungry since I've been fasting since the clock stroke 12am the night before my surgery. Worst still, with nothing in my stomach, I kept vomiting bitterly yellow stuff, which really made me sick. I tried to drink some water but ended up throwing up again.
No doubt that the night was the longest night I ever had, as if somebody had bewitched the clocks to go extra slow. My roommate, an old man with knees problem, and his spouse were fast asleep, the only companion was their snoring, or the nurse who came in to assist me when I felt like throwing up. Pity me...
The next morning, I managed to drink and consume solid food, not much appetite but I stoped vomiting and everything eventually back to normal. I went for rehabilitation twice that day. It was really tough...
Nothing remarkable next. But before I ended this, some acknowledgement will do.
- Thanks my families for all the helpings, especially my bro for bathing me. I'm really sorry to burden you all.
- Thanks Pastor Joshua, Aunt Judy, Khai Jen, Melisa, Jescee, Jayden, Alvin, Zhi Quan and Hui Bin for visiting me, your appearance makes me feel good.
- Thanks Li De, Ah Yan, Dao Ming, and John for sms me, your sms cheered me up too.
Lastly, I'm sorry if I missed out any of you, forgive me for my forgetfulness.
After waiting for an hour but what seems like forever, finally I was brought into the operation room. The operating room light came into sight once I was brought inside and kinda surprised that the surgeons were listening to Hitz.FM instead of a serene environment.Whirling around, the room is full of equipments and all the staff was gowned.
I was switched to another bed and one of the assistant poked my right wrist with a needle-like instrument (guess to check my blood level) while the others checked my identity once more and get everything well-prepared. Then, Doctor Hilmi, the anesthesiologist came over and gave me three injections. Within seconds, a freezing feeling past through my hand and everything started to fade away and...

By the time I was fully aware of my existence, it was already 8pm. I thought I've nothing else to worry about since the surgery was over. But apparently, I was wrong. The aftermath was the real disaster. As the anaesthesia lost effect, I started to feel an immense pain on my left arm, ice bag and pain killer were needed to alleviate the pain. Further more, I felt as if I have been trapped in desert for days, extremely exhausted, thirsty and hungry since I've been fasting since the clock stroke 12am the night before my surgery. Worst still, with nothing in my stomach, I kept vomiting bitterly yellow stuff, which really made me sick. I tried to drink some water but ended up throwing up again.
No doubt that the night was the longest night I ever had, as if somebody had bewitched the clocks to go extra slow. My roommate, an old man with knees problem, and his spouse were fast asleep, the only companion was their snoring, or the nurse who came in to assist me when I felt like throwing up. Pity me...
The next morning, I managed to drink and consume solid food, not much appetite but I stoped vomiting and everything eventually back to normal. I went for rehabilitation twice that day. It was really tough...
Nothing remarkable next. But before I ended this, some acknowledgement will do.
- Thanks my families for all the helpings, especially my bro for bathing me. I'm really sorry to burden you all.
- Thanks Pastor Joshua, Aunt Judy, Khai Jen, Melisa, Jescee, Jayden, Alvin, Zhi Quan and Hui Bin for visiting me, your appearance makes me feel good.
- Thanks Li De, Ah Yan, Dao Ming, and John for sms me, your sms cheered me up too.

you made me miss my family too.
Looks like i've been out 4 quite a long time.
Sorry bout dat...
And i truthfully wish that you are doing well. ^^
Stay healthy... and happy.
All the best to you...
TO Kate,
Haha, kinda surprise to see your comment. Since CNY now, go back to visit them lo.
To チエンイ,
Hey, I'm fine now so never mind.
Anyway, thx for your concern, makes me feel better ^^
Haha, all the best to you too!
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