Thursday, June 4

Warning! emo ahead!

No doubt that grades do not mean everything but you can't deny that when you score low mark, it actually means your answer is not correct and you got something wrong.

But the problem is, I don't see why I should get such a low mark for my law. Maybe I'm just too dumb that I actually misinterpret everything? I wish I could have a look at my paper and see what's went wrong.

I'm not fretting myself for getting such a low mark, getting low marks or even zero for my exam is not something unusual for me after all, is just that I've put in all my effort in it and I think I deserve something better than that, unless I'm a failure in nature. You know, through out my life, I've never succeed in anything, regardless how much effort I've devoted and one of them is basketball. Putting so much effort, so much time but what now? Don't even dare to play now.

I don't want to lower my head and say, okay, this is my fate, I'm a failure in nature, no matter what, failure remains failure. I want to fight back, I want to regain my confidence and I want to prove I can do it as well as somebody else! But what? It seems like all my efforts are in vain, instead of satisfaction, frustration is what I get... I don't know how...

Sorry guys, I shouldn't post this up, but I just can't bottle it up either. I know my emotional management has been done very badly, I promise I will find some ways to release all these negative things soon. Anyway, I apologise for the rant and thanks for reading this up. I'll be fine soon.
