Human are so funny though, once we get used to the hectic life, we feel so uncomfortable when we come to a break. Instead of lazing around or watching movie, I might as well post some leng zai and leng lui photos.
Well, the whole project was recorded and here it is. We got only three days to practice, so don't expect something great. But to me, the effort and the commitment are the most important one. So, give us a big hand and enjoy the show.
Oh ya, thanks profoundly to those who helped us on this project. Without your help, we might not be able to make it. Domo arigato gozaimashita!
Reminiscing the days we stayed together and practicing Malaysia Medley, diabolo as well as Pahang Joget, it was a great experience and I would never forget it. Guys, I love you all! ('',)
whoa... this a-neh is so sexy XD
i actually like that chinese yoyo performance. i can see that you all really spent time learning leh! and very funny la you! hahahhaha!
Haha, sexy pula?!
I really not good in cat walk, haha... walk till so ugly, next time should ask you. Hehe...
don't gila... I also don't know de please.
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