Sunday, July 1

A Short Respite

I was heart broken when the first time I was brought here. The second time, brought by the same person, only with a bigger crowd but a lighter atmosphere. Congratulations on your promotion and I guess those who have been your juniors are most thrilled on you reconsidering to stay for another half a year. At least we know that someone's backed you up, even though only one.

"The world suffers a lot, not because of the violence of the vile, but because of the silence of good people."

I couldn't agree more at first, but after a brief self reflection, my inclination is no different from the rest. Have I not backed away when I was talked down and tell myself "forget it, never mind..." But I'm not going to stay this way, I'm going to conquer my cowardice and voice up against unfavourable treatments.

Also on popo's short-term secondment to the Kiwi land, truthfully happy for her, her late nights and hardworks have finally paid off. The world is not all doom and gloom afterall.

I wonder if I could be as extraordinary as them, impacting other's life positively. And what does the future hold? I wonder...